A couple of weekends ago we began rearrange furniture upstairs. My brothers, Matt and Jay, were over so we took advantage of having some extra muscles.

This is the office (view from hallway). We decided that we wanted to make the office the nursery. This is the smallest of our three rooms. Technically it's not a bedroom. We just think that having the guest room stay a guest room would be best for us. We can actually (we think) we can add most of the furniture from the office into the guest bedroom.
Here are some more shots of the office.
Here is the guest bedroom.
This is what we have done so far...
To the guest bedroom...
We moved all the furniture we could fit into the guest bedroom. We haven't done anymore than that at all. Now I just need to find the chance to rearrange/unpack and completely clear out the office...I mean NURSERY:)
Just becuase I LOVE HER SOOO MUCH here is my baby
Isnt' she just the cutest thing you've ever seen...