Sunday, November 6, 2011


This year Halloween was wonky. Since we had that snow storm I mentioned on Saturday the 29th and most peoples power was out on Halloween and well past, most towns in the area 'postponed' Halloween until the next weekend.

On Halloween we went to a Fall Festival at our church. I took NO pictures. As the boys are getting older it is so much harder for me to take pictures. I can't stop long enough to hold of the camera and click. I have actually stopped bringing my camera along with me. Which is crazy because I have been carrying a camera along with me since I was in high school.

Yesterday was sunny so I asked Hubs if he would come outside with me to help take some pictures. I didn't want to not have any pictures of their 2nd Halloween.

We did not go trick or treating. Part of me wishes we did. This new babe in my belly is giving me the sweetest sweet tooth ever. When I eat it's only ever junk. So a nice stash of Halloween candy would have been awesome. I think the boys would have really loved to trick or treat but at the same time I figured they don't get it, so no big deal to skip it. That and we live on the main road and don't know anyone. If we could have gone to 'friends or families' houses I think it would have been a different story.

G was our lion and M was our monkey. We went with these costume #1 because they can roar and ooh ahh like lions and monkeys. #2 they were one of the cheapest cutest ones we could find. We were really happy with them. They boys didn't mind them either.

1 comment:

  1. What fun to see the monkey and lion! I'm so glad you posted so many pictures. I can just hear and see them making the appropriate sounds. Love you M & G.
    Grandma and Grandpa
