Thursday, August 18, 2011

Break in the Rain

It has been raining ALL week. Wednesday was a beautiful day, but I just had no bravery in me to venture out with the babes all on my own so we stayed in. Today we were suppose to go to the zoo but the weather man called for thunderstorms all day. We stayed home and began to get a little antsy. One of my friends that was also going to go to the zoo said she was going to go to the park since the weather man was wrong and there was no storming. She was going to go to a great park but it is ALWAYS a mad house. I asked her if she wanted to come out to us and go to our park. Yes it's OURS! :) I love the park by my house.

My friends little girl Miss M.
G - his hat made it hard to see his cute little face.
Miss M
G - wanting to ride the motorcycles
M - wanting to get on the swivel chair. He LOVED this chair. I put him in it and he held on with this HUGE open mouth smile.
G - on the motorcycle
M - on the motorcycle
Miss M
Miss M
G going through the tunnel
M going through the tunnel
M on the swings... looking at....
G on the swing... looking at... M on the swing :)
M, G, Miss M
G decided he wanted to go walk around instead of playing on the playground

M decided to go join brother

Miss M wasn't too far behind.

Miss M rolling down the hill

Searching for rocks... what else is new
Look Mommy, look what I found.

Mommy, I found one too!
We started to get REALLY hot and a bit blotchy that we decided to go to the picnic tables for some water and apple straws.

We had such a wonderful time with Little Miss M and her Mama! They were such a great help! Miss M is old enough to be able to do a lot of the park things 'on her own' so her mama would put her on the motorcycle and then step to the side to put one of the babes on the motorcycle and hold him there until he was done. What a treat! I am so glad that we got a chance to get out of the house and enjoy some sunlight with some friends.

After getting home the babes and I had another bottle of water and sat on the rocking chair together and watch a little show. I don't often let the tv turn on when they are awake. They are awake so little that I want them doing things, learning things while they are awake. However after such a hot long trip to the park it was just SO NICE to snuggle on the chair with my boys before putting them down for a nap. (The only way they snuggle is if I put on a little show).

Just for fun, I gotta tell you that I put the boys down for a nap at 4:30/4:45 and hubs got home around 6:30. He said, wow they are still asleep? I said yup, they had a busy day. The next thing we know, hubs and I looked at the clock and it was 8:30. Needless to say we decided to wake them up, feed them some breakfast for dinner, play for a few minutes, and smooch them before putting them back in bed.


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